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5 Things to Consider Before Replacing Your Air Conditioning System

5 Things to Consider Before Replacing Your Air Conditioning System

May 31st, 2021


Have you ever wondered when the time comes to replace or upgrade your old air conditioning system? Perhaps you think yours will wear out faster because of the climate you live in—you’re not entirely wrong. But the truth is, there are a number of factors that go into the decision of whether to repair or replace an air conditioner.

Here are some of the factors we consider when advising a customer on whether or not to replace their system:

How Old the System Is

When well-maintained, an air conditioner can be expected to last about 10-15 years. This is true regardless of what type of system it is, though you may find that a ductless system would last a bit longer—with only the air handlers needing replacement—than a more traditional central air conditioner.

What’s a “well-maintained” air conditioner? It’s one that you have a professional tune-up once a year. During professional AC maintenance, our team inspects, cleans, and adjusts the components that need it. This helps the system work as efficiently as possible and slows down natural wear and tear.

How Much AC Repairs Are Costing Them

Have you been told that your 10-15 year old air conditioner needs a repair? How expensive is that repair need going to be? A general rule of thumb we share is that if your next repair or set of repairs will cost over half of what the system is worth, then it’s time to make an upgrade.

A well-cared-for air conditioner should only need a repair every couple of years or so, anyway. If you find yourself calling for system repairs much more often than this, it’s definitely a sign that you need to consider your replacement options.

What The Energy Efficiency Expectations Are

Take a look at your energy bills. Are they a lot higher than they were this same time last year? How about in comparison to what your neighbors are paying? If your bills are much higher than they should be, this means something is causing your system to work inefficiently.

Unfortunately, even with careful attention and routine professional maintenance, age will eventually catch up with your system. If you want a more efficient air conditioner, it might mean buying a new one altogether.

Whether Their System Still Uses R-22/Freon Refrigerant

R-22 refrigerant, also known as Freon, is a chemical refrigerant that up until recently, was necessary for the functionality of your air conditioner. Refrigerant is still necessary, just not this type. The thing is, the manufacturing of R-22 was completely stopped earlier this year, and the last systems with R-22 haven’t been installed in a decade.

R-22 is not eco-friendly, which is why it’s been phased out. An R-22 system can’t take any other type of refrigerant. So if you have a leak, it means you’ll need to either pay hefty costs to try to find reclaimed R-22, or upgrade to a more efficient air conditioner.

The Customers’ Specific Home Comfort Needs

Perhaps your old air conditioner doesn’t meet your home comfort needs anymore! Many customers these days are making the switch from a traditional central air conditioner to the 2-in-1 heat pump system or even the more versatile ductless cooling and heating system.

We are happy to discuss these options with you.

Contact Dayco Systems today for reliable air conditioning installation in Woodstock, GA!